bard dedication pf2e. You can use Performance instead of Diplomacy to Make an Impression and instead of Intimidation to Demoralize. bard dedication pf2e

 You can use Performance instead of Diplomacy to Make an Impression and instead of Intimidation to Demoralizebard dedication pf2e  So when you pick this up, you get the following: ""Chose a mystery

You can rely on the grandeur of your performances rather than ordinary social skills. Psychic dedication is ridiculously OP. Str is more useful in PF2e (as opposed to basically being a dump stat in 5e) but I wouldn’t make it your highest stat. Due to your tenuous link, you can't gain or use. " so you need 2 general feat investment + a dedication investment for armor. You become trained in your choice of Acrobatics or Athletics; if you are already trained in both of these skills, you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. Alchemist Dedication, Barbarian Dedication, Bard Dedication, Champion. Choose a swashbuckler style. There’s a rage deep inside you that sometimes breaks loose, granting you some of the might of a barbarian in addition to your other abilities. 2. I'm looking at playing a cleric or a bard. A character shouldn't immediately get access to some of the best reactions in the game by taking one dedication feat. As an example, players who want to take the Bard Dedication Archetype in Pathfinder need to meet the prerequisite of having Charisma 14. For a few class feats, you can get up to 8th level spells, and 1-2 spell slots per level. You gain a 2nd-level multiclass dedication feat, even if you normally couldn't take another dedication feat until you take more feats from your current archetype. From Sorcerer's Spell Repertoire: The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. Harmonize [one-action] Feat 6. Fun Bard Builds based on pop culture characters from franchines like Marvel, Nintendo, League of Legends and more. Ancestry Feat ~= General Feat. Archetype Ritualist. Archetype Archer. Buffs are extremely important in this system, and they're the bard's bread and butter. Personally, I am a huge fan of gluing together Dire of Doom from Bard with the Rogue. The dedication feat gives 2 common cantrips and further feats only give bard feats or spell slots. ) At 11th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8 precision damage, and at 19th level, the. Tanking is interesting in PF2e, since there aren't many ways to get enemies to attack you. Source Core Rulebook pg. Our model. Class Features. I'm playing a Swashbuckler with bard dedication, and some of those occultism spells and composition cantrips synergize nicely with Swashbuckler's base kit. You gain a spell repertoire with two common cantrips from the occult spell list or any other. • 4 yr. Sentinel also automatically grants me expertise in armour use at level 13, instead of needing to use a feat for it at 14th level with the Champion dedication. Champion dedication can make being a front line support a lot easier, but you'll need at least 14 str. 149 2. You learn the lingering composition focus spell. Instead of built in focus spells or curses or what have you, I think Wellspring is perfectly functional as a sidegrade from all of those. Level 8 - Running Reload is a must have. You’re a fierce combatant renowned for martial arts skills and combat stances that grant you unique fighting moves. But how do I get it? IC is an uncommon cantrip, gained at lvl 1, all the other uncommon cantrips are gained through a feat. But many campaigns do not make it that far, and early levels the warpriest can definitely very impactful. A Versatile Human who was raised in Gladiator pits (similar to the original Conan the Barbarian). You can rely on the grandeur of your performances rather than ordinary social skills. Versatile Performance Feat 1. I kind of think that removing the prerequisite is allowing that rule to be exploited. You're trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for occult spells. Goblin Song is worth considering on high Charisma builds, particularly if you intend to take the Bard Dedication. A Warrior Bard is useful in combination with other martials. Agreed. I am a human champion with 19 str, 10 dex, 16 con, 10 int, 14 wis, 16 char for role playing purposes I’m picking between barbarian and bard. mirror implement and weapon implement are good options, the former allows you to teleport out of danger and flank effectively, the latter gives you a sort of AOO. Even pure Champion in PF2e is reasonable for this kind of concept if most Pallies are known for being 5e-esque dabblecasters. Prerequisites Charisma 14; Dexterity 14. Gunslinger Dedication 2. Oracle multiclass on your first PF2e may be a lot for very little. Dex is. Within the darkness, monsters dwell, plans are hatched, and enemies strike with fang and dagger and dark magic. The relative damage of a PF2e blaster caster is not much lower than a 5e blaster caster, relative to the monsters they are hitting. I'm super excited to play my skeleton rogue with bard dedication, they were a failing comedian in life that had to turn to crime before meeting a terrible fate trying to steal from a wizard tower. Combat Grab [one-action] Feat 4* Fighter Press Source Core Rulebook pg. Barbarian, Warrior Muse Bard, Champion, Fighter, Gunslinger, Inventor, Investigator, Magus, and Ranger meet the martial weapon prerequisite out of the box. Bard Dedication Feat 2. Help launching PF2e high school club instead of "D&D"The wizard archetype grants versatile prepared spells, perfect for characters looking to add some extra utility. Source Core Rulebook pg. Bard. That's a pretty effective package, and you would be using it a lot at low levels. Bards in pf2e are fantastic for your goals. Also Maestro imo is better for a melee bard compared to Warrior. An alternative to Medic is Bard. Mummification is a common funereal rite across the breadth of Golarion throughout the ages. Inspire Courage helps heal by making the fight faster. Unlike a normal composition, a harmonized composition doesn’t end if you. Probably 1 use of Lay of Hands. Fourberie + Flying Blade to be able to use cards. And Beastmaster is a classic, a good archetype for all classes, but sadly I have no training in Nature. You have to take further feats from the Bard. Bard Source Core Rulebook pg. Bard Dedication Feat 2. Bard dedication. You get 1 spell slot thats 1 spell level below your highest (and below) Ex. When the dedication feat does not provide the spellcasting feature, feats providing spellcasting benefits should provide those benefits to your class's spellcasting feature. Mage Armor H: Ward yourself with magical armor. Hey guys back with another teamwork build. Most people believe the dedication level needs an errata and that it should be level 2, btw. It's different cuz it's not multiclassing in the sense of taking a level of another class at the cost of one of your own. Bard Dedication. If the crossbow is a simple weapon, also increase the damage die size for your attacks made with that crossbow by one step. That is to say, a fourth-level bard who has Basic Cathartic Spellcasting has a total of 4 1st-level and 3 2nd-level bard spell slots: three of each from being a fourth. Deities work their will upon the world in infinite ways, and you serve as one of their most stalwart mortal servants. Remember once you get up a few levels and have more spells, you'll have a lot more options. Summoner (with Beastmaster dedication). The first step toward forming a successful pact is an understanding of the magic behind it, along. You can then turn into a bear yourself, rage, and Get the Share rage barbarian Feat to share rage with your Pet. You don't need any charisma for any of the folklorist abilities. Recall Knowledge Witch Either loremaster or Bard Dedication if you want some Bard things. A true shadowdancer is a creature who flits on the edge of light and darkness. So if a class has great L1-L6 feats it makes it better. Except sorcerer, but they have good charisma and performance isn't a bad investment. 76 Prerequisites trained in Nature You have befriended an animal to serve as an able assistant and loyal guardian. It's funny to me how pf2e made components even more important, but its impossible to filter spells by components anywhere. Focus on DEX above STR, taking it as your key ability score - your dancer's spear is a finesse weapon, after all, so we'll focus on being dextrous and nimble. If it's a creature, it might be a performance-loving creature such as a choral angel or lillend azata; if a deity, it might be Shelyn. You inspire your allies with words or tunes of encouragement. You get slots sooner, and to 9th level. You can use Hunt Prey to designate only a creature that you've seen, heard about, or learned about through some other means, such as a bounty board or wanted poster. Only by turn 3 are you really using Bestial, the action economy to use it hurts them just as much as Wild Druid or Animal Companion Ranger. You don't gain any other abilities from your choice of way. Then you can transform into a Huge raging bear, turn your animal companion into a huge raging bear, and bear around together. Champion Dedication is good on any class, but Thaum gets to absolutely wreck people with Retributive Strike. Occult has a lot of debuff spells, so lean into that. Marshals can come from any class or background, though they all share a willingness to sacrifice their own glory for the greater good of the team. Choose a swashbuckler style. You become trained with all martial weapons. Prerequisites Bard Dedication. 0. After years of study and careful planning, you finally completed a soul cage to house your soul and successfully performed a ritual to transform yourself into a lich. 0 Prerequisites trained in Perception; trained in Society and. PF2e on Foundry 5. For your bard spells, you cast like a bard, not like a psychic. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you've gained two other feats from the gunslinger archetype. a Poppet's Charisma ability boost can make Bard a good choice, while their Dexterity ability flaw. How does Bard Dedication work on a Psychic?It's funny you mention that. Bard with Cathartic Mage archetype (Joy Catharsis). Resource & Tools My players and I noticed a few weeks ago that there was a new buff applied to tokens standing within 10' of the party's Bard who has the Marshal archetype. I've also made a Dwarven Bard who will run around in heavy armor by level 3. Bard basic casting Bard basic feat, extend inspire courage Bard inspire courage Cross blood evolution, breath of life Bard expert casting Occult breadth Enhance familiar (from gnome ancestry) Bard master casting Bloodline conduitOr bard dedication and hymn of healing, or somesuch. When you succeed with Battle Medicine or Treat Wounds, the target regains 5 additional HP at DC 20, 10 HP at DC 30, or 15 HP at DC 40. Swashbuckler Dedication Feat 2. Versatile Performance is a class feat; the ability to ignore the language barrier for Demoralize is provided by Intimidating Glare, a first level skill feat. You gain access to the Cast a Spell activity. ”. The only pf2e game I've been a part of had no bard in it so I don't have real world examples. So, if I want to Inspire Courage before that, I need to be a master of Occult spellcasting :-(I even homebrewed a Class Archetype as a workaround against this pigeonholing. 222 4. Be able to charge your items, and get good spell DC. A muse has called you to dabble in occult lore, allowing you to cast a few spells. Free Archetype does open up the opportunities a bit. 44. Archetype Dedication Multiclass. You've formed a bond with an eidolon, an entity that manifests in a physical body only through its link to your life force. These are typically base class dedications, here is a list. Prerequisites Archer Dedication. Your muse is a virtuoso, inspiring you to greater heights. I can absolutely TPK a level 9 party with level 8 or below monsters. 140 4. Every level at which you gain a Bard feat, select one of the following feats. Then you can transform into a Huge raging bear, turn your animal companion into a huge raging bear, and bear around together. Celebrate the Glass Cannon Podcast using PF2e and Foundry with a 10% discount on some Paizo Products!Choose a swashbuckler's style. Just the Bastion dedication alone allows you to raise your shield as a reaction to a melee attack, boosting your AC by 2 against that attack and any following attacks with your shield. g. Bard is a dedicated occult spellcaster. Source Core Rulebook pg. Cleric Dedication Feat 2. 0. You've learned to attract, quell, and purify spirits, housing them in a special receptacle called a spirit dwelling until they're ready to move on. You learn the hymn of healing composition spell, which imbues your music with rich melodies that help your allies recover from harm. Each time you gain a spell slot of a new level from the bard archetype, add a common occult spell or another spell you learned or discovered to your repertoire, of the appropriate. Abilities gained at higher levels list the levels at which you gain them next to the features' names. Then at level 2 pick up Bard Dedication with your class feat, followed by Basic Bard Spellcasting at level 4. Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, panache, swashbuckler’s style, precise strike (2d6), confident finisher, swashbuckler feat. I can't think of anything the bard archetype would give a rogue that they would particularly benefit from besides occult spellcasting. I have a few questions for those that have seen or played a Bard first hand across many levels of combat (just focusing on combat for these questions). Class Features. 0. Archived post. SuperBidi : Oct 22, 2020, 11:02 am:Since it will be her first character in PF2e, which is bigger (not more complicated but really bigger) system than DnD 5e I would prefer her to have quite easy action economy. Beastmaster Feats. This is exactly what my Human Fighter is built as. 167 2. in this dedication, you can easily pick up another one pretty quickly and have a better selection of skill feats. Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. Thanks for pointing this out. Focus Spells. Needing to be within a stride's distance from the enemy every round is not great for a caster. Correct, you need to pick up bardic lore separately. Applying an archetype requires you to select archetype feats instead of class feats. I think you'd be hard pressed to pick a combination of choices which fit what you want better. A PF2e Guide by Niccaroo - Reddit - Last updated Jun 2022 EX Dragon Punch: DMerceless' Guide to Monk - Discussion topic - Last Updated May 2021 RPGBOT Monk Handbook - Last Updated Nov 2020 Oracle Divine Gift: A Guide to the PF2e Oracle - Reddit - Last Updated Jun 202 1 The Sobbing Shoggoths Oracle Guide (work in progress) - Last Updated May. Bard is probably one of the best spellcasting archetypes for thaumaturge, mainly for Inspire Courage and other focus cantrips. You can use Performance instead of Diplomacy to Make an Impression and instead of Intimidation to Demoralize. While the challenge of mastering many fighting styles drives you to great. I'm playing a Gnome Rogue with Bard dedication (Enigma muse, but I'm really just taking it for spellcasting) who has ended up being a cross between James Bond and Othar Tryggvassen (his self-introduction is "Ulthar Halvassyn, Gentleman Investigator! Man of mystery, agent of intrigue, and occasional dabbler in. I'm not sure if I'm missing something here. Archetypes. However we have 6 characters total with said Rogue, a Monk, a Melee Sorcerer (Champion Dedication), a Melee Warpriest, a Bard and a Cosmos Oracle and both the Sorcerer and the Bard are using Demoralize quite often. Prerequisites maestro muse. Note, however the only thing the battle muse gives is what you need to take the Marshal dedication at level 2 (it's ok Strength of thousands intentionally breaks the 'dedication +2' feat limit) This lets them dip wizard/druid for a single feat and then raid bard and marshal feats to create a more functional front liner than the bard alone is. Marshals are leaders, first and foremost. Choose a gunslinger way. 0. 5. . You have AC deficiency until you get higher Dex or better armor training. For instance, a rapier with a greater striking rune deals 2d8 extra piercing damage on a critical hit. The target gains fast healing 2. Versatile Performance is a class feat; the ability to ignore the language barrier for Demoralize is provided by Intimidating Glare, a first level skill feat. akeyjavey •. Bard. Loremaster. 157 2. Monks are also not terrible at picking up a bard dedication for inspire courage at level (and retraining to dirge of doom at 12 if you want to be cheeky). 2. Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, gunslinger's way, initial deed, gunslinger feat, singular expertise. Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. You execute your finishing moves with spectacular flair, adding special effects to your finishers. Bard Concentrate Manipulate Metamagic. Sorcerer/Bard Dedication is always great. . Human adds onto that with Cooperative Nature/Soul. Depends on what you go for, really. We make fun pathfinder 2e builds based on characters from Marvel, DC, Riot Games, Final. Level 2 - Dedication Level 4 - Fake Out is completely busted (specially if you're a human with cooperative nature). The issue with getting sentinel dedication at 4 is that you wont get inspire defense for the extra AC, realistically the easiest way is just to get champion dedication at level 2 but then you never get higher than trained, although if you dont plan on passing over level 11 then i guess that doesnt matter, the reason for getting sentinel sooner is that you cant wear. 1. Battledancer, Braggart, and Wit are all good style choices for that. Most newcomers get recommended to start with the Archives of Nethys (the official rule database). 0. This would allow them to pick up this cantrip by investing in Bard feats, which also allows them to pick up the Lingering Composition Focus Spell, which extends the duration of the spell by 3 rounds on a success, meaning they don. e. Animal Trainer Dedication Feat 2 Uncommon Source Pathfinder #152: Legacy of the Lost God pg. Your Level. Multiclass options often go un-sung in Pathfinder 2e, so let's talk about them! Which ones are the BEST for each individual class in the game?Check out my ne. Archer: exactly what it sounds like, very powerful for non-martials wanting to get some shots off. While assassins are skilled in ending lives and many are evil, some live by a moral code, preying on the wicked, the cruel, or those who revel in unchecked aggression or power. 0. 386 4. . A Summoner (Or the eidolon to be more specific) it's a little bit more martial than spellcaster, you can see this in the eidolon proficiencies. Skillsoft (NYSE: SKIL) is a leading education platform that stands out as an attractive option for investment in 2024. For your bard spells, you cast like a bard, not like a psychic. Oracle feat, skill feat. It's great. Fighter Dedication Feat 2. The bardic cantrips (like Inspire Courage/Defense, and Dirge of Doom) are incredibly powerful every turn buffs for 1 of your 3 actions. True, but I don't really think a martial with a few self buffs is an actual. 3. Prerequisites Wisdom 14. I am a human champion with 19 str, 10 dex, 16 con, 10 int, 14 wis, 16 char for role playing purposes I’m picking between barbarian and bard. A level 12 Ancient Half Elf with the level 9 Multiclass ancestry feat can have both alchemist and ranger dedications. A bard begins play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of the bard's choice. Prerequisites maestro muse. You could do a dedication to pick up heal via Oracle or Divine Sorcerer, but to be honest Soothe is a fairly solid healing spell on the occult list, plus there are some healing focus spells bard's can get. Focus Spells. Class Features. Multiclass. You learn the inspire competence composition cantrip, which aids your allies’ skills. Acrobat Dedication, Alchemist Dedication, Aldori Duelist Dedication, Alkenstar Agent Dedication, Alter Ego Dedication, Animal Trainer Dedication, Archaeologist. You. In addition to the other benefits of Hunt Prey, you gain a. We make fun pathfinder 2e builds based on characters from Marvel, DC, Riot Games, Final. And of course all the things that sorcerer archetypes had. Once per day, you can use Battle Medicine on a creature that's temporarily immune. Maestro. Bard Dedication Feat 2 Source Core Rulebook pg. Roll this after doubling the weapon's damage. Bard. At 1st level, your class gives you an ability boost to Charisma. I used the archetype on a 10CHA psychic and spin a tale and rule of three were pretty useful. 5. Abilities gained at higher levels list the levels at which you gain them next to the features' names. With the exception of stonefist and bomber's, all elixirs are useful. Archetype Dedication Multiclass. The Champion archetype gives him Training in light, medium, and heavy armor (Expert at 13th level with a Feat). Swashbuckler is a good choice. Source Core Rulebook pg. Champion dedication requires 14 Str and 14 Cha and gives access to heavy armor. Lingering Composition Feat 1. So, imo, it depends on the level you want to shine the most as a debuffer. 0. Archetype Archaeologist. Hi I'm having trouble understanding the Loremaster archetype. You attempt to Disarm the enemy whose space you moved through. In addition, you're surrounded by a marshal's aura in a 10-foot emanation. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same level. To go a little further, once you pick your starting class you can't change it (outside of GM interference). now, my bits of advice: You will end up basically having room over the 20 levels to get the cool feats from 2 muses. If you ever have more than one animal companion, you gain the Call. Bard Dedication Feat 2. Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. Basic Bard Spellcasting does give you spell slots and new spells. Focus 1. 0 Prerequisites maestro muse. This lets you take Goblin Song at level 1, so that early on your barbarian has a bard aspect even before they take a bard feat and it lets you debuf enemies for any caster that will target their will save. Warrior bard, spend your 2nd level feat on unlocking maestro (done this way around because fear is such a good spell), then grab swashbuckler dedication (wit), one for all, and the bard feat inspire heroics, you also want courageous advance, courageous strike, and eventually courageous onslaught. In EC, it the alchemist. The dedication itself doesn't seem to have any class requirement. Pf2 means you really need to choose to be either martial or caster primarily. You cast spells like a bard and gain the Cast a Spell activity. Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, champion’s code, deity and cause, deific weapon, champion’s reaction, devotion spells, champion feat, shield block. 2. They are generally persuasive and command attention when they are in the middle of a performance. You will need CHA anyway, so you aren't going out of your way. Specifically, if a Sorcerer takes a Bard dedication at lvl 2, does that automatically open up the occult spell list to select spells from, or do you wait until you get Basic Casting at lvl 4?Focus 1. In Pathfinder 2e, your armor is generally dictated by your class. Bard Dedication Feat 2. Image used by permission of Yama Orce. I do think it could be worth retraining, though. As a result, we need to create new characters. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1. 0. 9th. Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, eidolon, evolution feat, link spells, spell repertoire, summoner spellcasting. Dual class is a lot of fun. You get a Dedication feat for a Archetype that has the Multiclass trait. u g3t nuthin nd u'l lik it. Recall Knowledge Witch Either loremaster or Bard Dedication if you want some Bard things. 149 2. Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. I have set this production of As You like It right here – in Bard’s own backyard. The Mockingbird is a master at running into foes and coming away with their weapons. You gain the basic spellcasting benefits. Basic Bard Spellcasting Feat 4. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you've gained two other feats from the gunslinger archetype. I want to run a ranged champion with the bard dedication and was hoping to use Inspire Courage. September 19, 2017 - I've been to Victoria a number of times over the years, and one favourite spot for me to check out is the Bard & Banker, a great pub on. Your aura has the emotion, mental, and visual traits and grants you and allies within the aura a +1 status bonus to saving throws against fear. Your key spellcasting ability for bard archetype spells. Not sure on level 14 though. Lose the Path: React to impede and possibly divert a Stride. The Rough Rider feat is good for Steed Champions. I really want a gun/crossbow Thaum to work, but the action economy is too tight and when you get Intensify Vulnerability it gets even worse. The Free archetype rule is designed to make characters more versatile and grant more options. They tend to be eclectic, original, and creative, pushing the boundaries of what rigid society deems. Most newcomers get recommended to start with the Archives of Nethys (the official rule database) or the Beginner Box, but the same information can be found in this free Pathfinder Primer. Bard. Area 60-foot emanation. Your divine singing mends wounds and provides a temporary respite from harm. 0. Your Level. Your Level. 0. Just pick up any caster dedication really but Wizard if you are an arcane witch would be great. You are a dynamo with the crossbow. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to damage with crossbows. You can use Performance instead of Diplomacy to Make an Impression and instead of Intimidation to Demoralize. Magic Weapon: Make a weapon temporarily magical. Heightened (+1) The fast healing and temporary Hit Points each increase by 2. Archetypes allow you to expand the scope of your character’s class. Fourberie + Flying Blade to be able to use cards. Maybe an eldritch trickster with bard dedication thrown in (it's charisma, it's performance, it's occult spells) and then shadowdancer?I've considered taking the Champion dedication for my Barbarian, after reading it suggested in a few class guides. You cast spells like a bard and gain the Cast a Spell activity. net Bard feat, skill feat: 7: 4th-level spells, expert spellcaster, general feat, skill increase: 8: Bard feat, skill feat: 9: 5th-level spells, ancestry feat, great fortitude, resolve, skill increase: 10: Ability boosts, bard feat, skill feat: 11: 6th-level spells, bard weapon expertise, general feat, skill increase, vigilant senses: 12: Bard feat. 0. With a long list of potential abilities and the ability to replace them daily, your familiar can be an important and powerful part of your character’s toolset. Multitalented Feat 9. So yes it is a really nice guide but I feel PF2 it is much tougher to give numbers for everything because a Bard can play all different. 222 4. Spellcaster in pf2e Bard Wants to support not be blasty. Archetype Dedication. Any bonus to hit also increases your likelihood to critically hit, because any roll that gets 10 higher than the target DC is a critical success. Tarondor's Guide to the Pathfinder Second Edition Bard (Sep 2023) Barbarian. 0. Westley and Inigo Montoya ( Princess Bride. Class Features. Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. Your encouragement inspires your ally to succeed at a task. Even feats that can give you heavier armor, like Armor Proficiency, do not scale beyond Trained. 99 4. 112 2. In Pathfinder Second Edition, Bards are actually occult spellcasters, which really opens up the possibilities for how they could be portrayed. Introduction. You cast spells like a cleric. Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. Source Core Rulebook pg. Temporary Items infused alchemists. My friend. By that nature, Champion being more reactive increases the build diversity in the game. Since I'm Ranger Dedicated already. Cantrip 1. Familiars are a small, magical animal-like creature that serves as equal parts pet and multipurpose tool. 221 4. Your performance protects you and your allies. In SoT, it's split between the druid and the bard, with the druid being the primary healer and the bard having Soothe as a signature spell. You specialize in secrets, both uncovering them and hiding them away, and your command of the written word borders on the supernatural. There's one thing you can do to get a bit more mileage out of the dedication: Pick another Muse for the dedication, then get multifarious muse (Enigma) at level 4. Archetype Ritualist. Archetype Bard. Roll a Performance check for a type you know: an auditory performance if the trigger was auditory, or a visual one for a visual trigger. You are a full spell caster. Iirc bard dedication is just spell progression with the song cantrips limited and only available at like 8 or 10Medic Dedication will allow multiple uses of Battle Medicine to have an alternative to Heal spells.